Monday, May 08, 2006


Bree Annabel was born on the Sunday May 7th at 5.36am, weighing 7lb 4oz.

It was a brilliant labour and birth without any serious complications. The delivery team were just amazing and we are eternally grateful for their support and measured understanding in letting us have as natural a birth as possible.

Mum and Dad are ridiculously proud and can't stop starring at her with huge smiles over our faces. She is quite simply our everything.

Here she is aged 4 hours.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Two more scans

We were able to get another scan of the baby a couple of weeks ago, this time confirming that we are expecting a baby girl. Of course, the nursery will be painted pink and we'll have bought lots of girls clothes and it'll be just our luck that a little boy will pop out in 12 weeks time! The sonographer seemed quite sure it was a girl though...guess only time will tell for sure.

Scan #1

Scan #2

Monday, December 19, 2005

Twenty weeks (and counting...)

Well - here are two scans from our official 20 week scan at Watford General this afternoon. They're not terribly clear - the baby was in a better position at the beginning of the scan, but the printouts weren't made until later on.

West Hertfordshire NHS Trust have a policy not to disclose the sex of the baby during ultrasound appointments, and we were requested not to ask the radiologist during the scan. However, we can confirm that, anatomically speaking, he/she appears to be perfect! Everything seems to be progressing nicely.

You can click these images to see bigger versions if you wish.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


After a traumatic day's events, which involved rushing to the hospital and sitting anxiously whilst doctors poked, prodded and ordered emergency scans, our fears have been relayed and O has been given a clean bill of health. The silver lining to this little cloud was that we got to see the baby ahead of schedule (our local NHS trust only offers a scan at the 20 week mark).

So, here he/she is at 13 weeks and 4 days... :o)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Blog in waiting

This one's a placeholder for my next big challenge! ETA May 2006. I'm not sure the name really means anything, but it does mean all my blogs are under one name, which is good enough for me! :)